1. Comprehend the basics of computer programming. |
1. Enumerate the types of programming languages. |
2. Sequence the three basic control structures. |
3. Define an algorithm to solve a problem. |
4. Reproduce the algorithm in terms of pseudocode. |
5. Illustrate the algorithm in flowchart form. |
2. Apply the sequential control structure. |
1. Develop various MATLAB and Simulink data types. |
2. Demonstrate mathematical computations. |
3. Produce script files to manage data. |
3. Analyze the selection (decision) control structure. |
1. Diagram comparison operators. |
2. Illustrate the IF statement. |
3. Outline the IF/ELSE block IF statement. |
4. Show the IF/ELSE IF/ELSE block IF statement. |
5. Distinguish between logical operators. |
4. Analyze the repetition (loop) control structure. |
1. Assess the use of pretest loops. |
2. Construct the FOR loop. |
3. Establish a WHILE loop. |
5. Synthesize subprograms and functions. |
1. Recall built-in functions |
2. Invent user-defined, sub, and nested functions. |
3. Give examples of local and global variables. |
4. Differentiate between passing parameters by value or by reference. |
6. Evaluate the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional plotting techniques. |
1. Compare and contrast plot, hold, and line commands. |
2. Generate figures with logarithmic axes, multiple plots on the same page, and multiple windows. |
3. Create mesh and surface (3D) plots. |
7. Evaluate the use of arrays. |
1. Structure one-dimensional arrays and multidimensional arrays. |
2. Adapt array subscripts to access data stored in an array. |
3. Incorporate arrays into functions and subroutines. |
8. Synthesize the use of symbolic math capabilities in MATLAB. |
1. Modify symbolic objects and compose expressions |
2. Formulate algebraic, differentiation, and integration problems symbolically. |
3. View solutions to ordinary differential equations (prior knowledge of such equations or methods for their solution not required). |