Feb 13, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Information

Iowa Valley Community College District

“The College” refers to Iowa Valley Community College District, which operates Ellsworth Community College/ECC, Marshalltown Community College/MCC, Iowa Valley Community College Grinnell/IVG, and Iowa Valley Continuing Education/IVCE.

Our Mission

We are committed to providing quality learning experiences, ensuring student success, and partnering to address diverse community needs in an inclusive and respectful environment.

Our Vision

We will serve our communities as an essential catalyst for educational and economic vitality.

Our Core Values

• Educational excellence through learning that prepares students for lifetime success.

• Leadership and communication through shared responsibility for accountability, transparency and respect.

• Partnerships to support educational opportunities that strengthen our communities and foster economic development.

• Recognition of students, employees and community members for contributions and outstanding achievements aligning with our Vision, Mission and Core Values.

• Growth and sustainability through planning, innovation and optimizing resources.

• Continuous quality improvement in all we do.

• Diverse and inclusive culture ensuring access, equity, dignity, and respect for all.

Ellsworth Community College

Ellsworth Community College in Iowa Falls was founded in 1890 as a business academy to help meet the growing needs of the area workforce. In the years since its founding by Eugene S. Ellsworth, the College has established a strong tradition of educational excellence. It has evolved through many transitions in its mission to serve the changing needs of its public. Ellsworth became a four-year college, a music conservatory, and a public junior college before emerging as a comprehensive community college under the jurisdiction of Iowa Valley Community College District in 1968. ECC now serves the needs of Hardin and surrounding counties as well as students from around the state, nation, and world.

ECC’s curriculum includes arts & sciences transfer programs as well as many career and technical education programs. The complete listing of the available education programs is Program of Study by Career Interest.

Student sports and activities include football, wrestling, basketball, softball, volleyball, baseball, sports shooting, and cheer. Several campus clubs and organizations offer leadership opportunities and social activities. These clubs include Ag Science Club, Art Club, Business Professionals of America, College Democrats, College Republicans, Conservation Club, Criminal Justice Club, Diversity Club, Education Club, Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, International Travel Club, Multicultural Club, Phi Theta Kappa, Social and Behavioral Science Club, Spirit Squad, and Student Senate.

Through the Ellsworth College Foundation and the Ellsworth College Board of Trustees, ECC maintains a strong scholarship program. The College participates in all federal and state financial aid programs, making ECC one of the most affordable higher education options in the state of Iowa. ECC’s picturesque campus includes the Gentle Student Center, residence halls and apartment style student housing, and historic Bullock Jones Hall. In addition, Calkins Nature Center, approximately four miles from campus, provides students and area residents a 76-acre woodland classroom along the Iowa River as well as an interpretive center which houses the Ellsworth College Museum. The Dale Howard Family Activity Center offers modern recreational, wellness and athletic facilities. On the Robert and Arlene Hamilton campus just south of Iowa Falls, the Agriculture Building and the Ellsworth Equestrian Center opened in 2010.

Marshalltown Community College

The Marshalltown Community College campus is located just south of Marshalltown on Highway 30. A satellite campus, Iowa Valley Grinnell, is located in Grinnell and offers MCC college credit courses and continuing education to students in that area.

Student activities include Phi Theta Kappa, Multicultural Club, College Veterans Association, Ecology Club, Filmmakers Club, FROG (Forever Representing Our God), GLBTQ Alliance, Information Technology (IT) Club, STEM Club, and events sponsored by the Student Activities Council and Student Senate. MCC also has cheerleading and intercollegiate basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, and volleyball. MCC’s campus includes a library, student center, apartment-style student housing, science laboratories, and an outdoor biology study area. The College participates in federal and state financial aid programs.

Marshalltown Community College was founded in 1927 as Marshalltown Junior College, a part of the Marshalltown Community School District. In 1966, in compliance with laws enacted by the 1965 Iowa Legislature to provide for post-secondary education in the state of Iowa, the College moved under the jurisdiction of Iowa Valley Community College District.

The College continues to develop its campus on a 209-acre tract on the south side of Marshalltown. The north wing houses many of the career and technical education programs. The center section is the site of most classrooms and laboratories for instruction in the liberal arts and sciences. Physical education facilities (Babe Harder Gym and Student Activities Center), Faust Student Union, and the MCC library are also a part of the central section of campus. The south wing includes facilities for the College’s health career programs. In addition, a conference center on campus is administered by Iowa Valley Continuing Education.

In 2000, the College constructed apartment-style student housing on the east side of campus and installed an outdoor Challenge Course designed for leadership and team-building training programs; funding for the Challenge Course was provided by the Iowa Valley Leadership Class of 2000. The College also remodeled the science labs on campus.

In 2001, the College opened its new front entrance and expanded Student Services offices. The area includes a lobby/reception space, Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, Registrar’s Office, and Business Office.
The construction of a Building Trades facility on the northwest corner of the campus was competed in 2005.

As the result of a 2006 bond issue, a new Student Activity Center and the Orpheum Theater Center, located in downtown Marshalltown, were constructed. A new welding lab, also part of the bond Issue, opened in 2008. A third student housing unit, not part of the bond issue, opened in 2009. The Entrepreneurial & Diversified Agriculture building opened in 2009.

Iowa Valley Grinnell

Iowa Valley Community College Grinnell serves as a satellite campus of Marshalltown Community College and as an outreach center for Iowa Valley Continuing Education, which provides ESL and HiSED classes as well as workforce training events.

Iowa Valley Grinnell’s credit curriculum includes an arts & sciences transfer program, as well as programs in Business Administration, Automotive Repair Technology, Culinary Arts & Culinary Apprenticeship, Gunsmith Technology and Paralegal (also available wholly online).

The Grinnell campus includes various lab spaces for programs, a Learning Center, a Video Immersion classroom, a Technology Center, the Brownells Computer Lab, and the Wellborn Student Lounge. Six new learning studios were added in 2008. An off-campus Automotive Technology lab was established in 2015.

Statement of General Education

General education is intended to provide breadth of learning. General education imparts common knowledge, promotes intellectual inquiry, and stimulates the examination of different perspectives, providing students with knowledge, information, and skills essential for successful life in a complex, changing world.

General education relates both to students’ technical or professional preparation and to their personal, social, and lifelong learning needs. Most important, inherent in the idea of general education are the love of learning and the idea of civility and respect for all persons.

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Knowledge and Comprehension
    • Iowa Valley graduates will demonstrate proficiency in acquisition of knowledge and comprehension of information.
      • Rationale: The acquisition of knowledge is integral to all education as it enables students to comprehend and recall knowledge.
  2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    • Iowa Valley graduates will demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking and problem solving.
      • Rationale: Students will be able to use critical thinking to interpret information, form logical representations or models of problems, and develop reasoned arguments leading to logical conclusions.
  3. Communication
    • Iowa Valley graduates will demonstrate proficiency in oral, written, and visual communication.
      • Rationale: Students will be able to express ideas by using various genres, styles, modalities, and techniques in individual and team environments. They will use various technologies to combine text, data, symbols, and visual imagery appropriate for their purpose and audience.
  4. Technology and Information Literacy
    • Iowa Valley graduates will demonstrate proficiency in technology and information literacy.
      • Rationale for Technology: Students will be able to use basic technology and productivity tools, devices, hardware, and software appropriate for their field of study competently, responsibly and effectively to communicate information in various formats.
      • Rationale for Information Literacy: Students will be able to reflect on information, understand how information is produced and valued, and use information in creating new knowledge.
  5. Civic Engagement
    • Iowa Valley graduates will demonstrate skills necessary to civically engage with their communities.
      • Rationale: Students will be able to demonstrate civic engagement through development of personal and professional leadership skills, ethical and moral decision-making skills, civic involvement, respect for all persons and cultures, and positive contributions to local and global communities through service.


The Ellsworth Community College Osgood Library and the Marshalltown Community College B.J. Harrison Library serve as resources for students, faculty and community members. The library hours during the academic year are below. (Note: Hours are subject to change. Check hours posted on the library doors and websites for the most up-to-date schedule.)

ECC’s Osgood Library is open from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays, and 5:00 to 9:00 pm on Sundays; it is closed on Saturdays. MCC’s B.J. Harrison Library is open from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 7:30 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays; it is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Both libraries have shortened hours during the summer sessions. On evenings before and after holidays and during academic holidays, regular library services are suspended. The libraries are closed whenever the campuses are closed.

For Iowa Valley Grinnell (IVG) students: While a physical library is not at the IVG location, library services are accessible through the MCC campus and via online/electronic resources. Materials housed at either library can be requested for IVG student use. Contact library staff for assistance or more information.

Contacting the Libraries

You may stop in, email, or call either library. In Iowa Falls, the ECC Osgood Library is in Kruse-Main Hall; email ecclibrary@iavalley.edu; phone (641) 648-8560. In Marshalltown, the B.J. Harrison Library is in MCC room 304; email mcclibrary@iavalley.edu, phone (641) 844-5690.

Library Services

A staff member is on duty whenever the libraries are open to assist in locating and using resources, and a 24-hour “help desk” chat feature is available on the library web pages. There are tables, seating areas, and conference rooms which offer a variety of study spaces. Computer work stations are located in each library for student and public use (ECC Library also houses a computer lab). Also available to students through the library are EBooks, newspapers, career information, a fax machine, and many more services.

Materials Selection

The campus libraries house a variety of materials and resources for both campus and public use (see Electronic Resources and Print Resources sections below). These materials are selected by qualified staff and faculty (in accordance with Board Policy 615) and are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Questions regarding library materials can be directed to the library staff.

Electronic Resources

The library subscribes to many online research/reference databases including EBooks. This includes general academic periodical databases, encyclopedias, and the online card catalog. Students are required to log in to the databases on the library’s website. Most resources are available to students from any computer, both on and off campus. See the library website for a list of all databases.

Print Resources

Books and some journals may be found via the library catalog on the website. MCC and ECC share an online catalog, and students may borrow books from either library. Please be aware that borrowed materials from the other library will take a few days to receive.

  • Course Reserves: Instructors may place some textbooks and other materials on reserve in the library. Reserve items may only be used in the library and if they are being used by many students there may be a two hour time limit.
  • Interlibrary Loans: In addition to the print materials located in the campus libraries, students also have access to books through interlibrary loan. Many libraries in Iowa are part of the state interlibrary loan system, which includes state, college, university, medical and public libraries. Interlibrary loans are available free of charge to all students. Plan ahead for this service and allow two weeks for items to arrive.

Computer Access

All ECC and MCC/IVG students may access the Colleges’ computer system and internet via a login (code assigned to each individual student) and use College computers in the library, computer labs or elsewhere on campus as a student privilege. This privilege is not a student right, and it can be revoked if inappropriate computer use is reported.

Computer use is limited to legal use of computers as outlined by state and federal laws. The library computers are dedicated to reference, research, and class projects. To utilize the library computers, students need a basic knowledge of computer applications. The knowledgeable library staff is available to provide assistance. Wi-Fi access is available in the library and throughout the respective campuses. Printing from a laptop is possible through web printing; see library staff for instructions. Web printing is only available in the libraries.

Audiovisual Equipment

Students may use audiovisual and camera equipment for class or activity-related projects if the instructor or sponsor checks out the equipment for the student. A two-day notice would ensure the availability of the equipment when the student needs it. Faculty use is the first priority; students should access equipment through their instructor/sponsor.

Make-up Tests

In coordination with library staff, instructors may bring make-up tests to the libraries for students to complete. Students must provide a photo ID before they will be allowed to take a make-up test. A student ID is the preferred form of identification, but a state-issued ID is allowed. Testing is available most hours the library is open.

Educational Equity Policy

It is the policy of Iowa Valley Community College District that no individual will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by the District on the basis of actual or potential parental, family or marital status; age; color; creed; gender identity; national origin; physical or mental disability; race; religion; sex; or sexual orientation as required by the Iowa Code §§ 216.6 and 216.9, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d and 2000e), the Equal Pay Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 206, et seq.), Title IX (Educational Amendments, 20 U.S.C §§ 1681 - 1688), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794), and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq).

Marshalltown Community College and Iowa Valley Grinnell students who have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy should contact Dr. Vincent Boyd, Education Equity Officer, at 641-844-5716 or Vincent.Boyd@iavalley.edu. Ellsworth Community College students who have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy should contact Dr. Amanda Estey, Education Equity Officer, at 641-648-8633 or Amanda.Estey@iavalley.edu. Iowa Valley Continuing Education students who have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy should contact Jacque Goodman, Education Equity Officer, at 641-844-5640 or Jacque.Goodman@iavalley.edu. Complaints may also be filed with the Director of the Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education, Citigroup Center, 500 W. Madison St., Suite 1475, Chicago, Illinois 60661-7204 (Ph: 312-730-1560, E: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov) and/or the Iowa Civil Rights Commission at 400 E. 14th St., Des Moines, Iowa 50319 (Ph: 800-457-4416).

Retaliation against any individual for reporting discrimination or assisting in providing information relevant to a report of discrimination is strictly prohibited by IVCCD and constitutes a violation of this policy.

Smoke-Free Air Act

IVCCD complies with Iowa’s Smoke-Free Air Act of 2008. In conjunction with this, the IVCCD Board of Directors prohibits the use of tobacco in any form (including nicotine simulation or vapor products such as e-cigarettes) on its grounds or in any of its facilities or vehicles. This includes personal vehicles owned or operated by students while on school grounds. Civil penalties can be assessed to those found in violation of this regulation. To register a complaint, contact a District official or the Iowa Department of Public Health at (888) 944-2247.