Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Information

Admissions & Enrollment

It is the policy of the College to admit all individuals with either a high school diploma or its equivalent (HSED/GED) and students who wish to transfer from other colleges and universities. High school students who meet the Senior Year Plus requirements may enroll in dual credit courses with permission from the student’s high school and the College.

Home-schooled students will be considered for admission on the same basis as traditional high school graduates. Students should submit ACT, SAT, or ACCUPLACER results and descriptive information regarding their high school program of study. Course descriptions or portfolios will be accepted in place of an accredited diploma.

For students without a high school diploma or its equivalent (HSED/GED diploma) who apply for admission to degree or certificate programs, the College uses references, personal interviews, available school records, and/or counselor evaluations to admit and to predict potential success or ability to benefit from the training offered.

Admission to the College, however, does not ensure admission to any specific program of instruction. The College attempts to guide the placement of students on the basis of student interests, counseling, examination, pre-enrollment interviews, and past academic achievement or work experience.

Admission to full-time programs is granted on an ongoing basis as applicants complete required admissions procedures.

Students should contact the Admissions Office or their program of interest for important dates and information.

Students who have formerly attended the College and wish to return after an absence of two terms (not including the summer session) should apply for readmission at the Admissions Office of the campus they plan to enter. Students readmitted after an absence will be required to fulfill current graduation requirements.

Application Process

Applications for admission will not be acted upon until all admission materials and procedures, as outlined here, are completed.

For the College, all materials are to be submitted to the Admissions Office.

Marshalltown Community College, 3700 S. Center St., Marshalltown, IA 50158, (641) 752-7106.

Ellsworth Community College, 1100 College Ave., Iowa Falls, IA 50126, (641) 648-4611.

Complete the “Application for Admission” form and submit it to the Admissions Office. Paper copies of the forms are available from the Admissions Office, as well as from couseling offices of most high schools in the state. The forms are also available online.

Please be aware of these application requirements:

  • The information on the application form is required. Cooperation in supplying this information speeds admission. Use full legal name (include previous name(s) if applicable).
  • Students applying for full-time admission are required to submit official high school or HSED/GED transcripts.
  • Students applying for financial aid must have a high school or HSED/GED transcript on file in the Admissions Office.
  • Home-schooled students without a high school diploma or its equivalent (HSED/GED) will be evaluated via references, interviews, available school records, and/or counselor evaluations.
  • Students currently enrolled in high school should have a 6th or 7th semester transcript sent and arrange to have a final transcript sent following graduation.
  • An official transcript from each college previously attended (if any) must be provided. Faxed transcripts or transcripts issued to students will not be accepted.

ACT, SAT, or Placement Tests

Scores from the ACT, SAT, or placement tests are used in course selection and schedule planning. Students may either submit their ACT and SAT scores to the College or complete the placement test at the College. The placement test is offered to students on a regular basis at the College and can be scheduled by calling the Admissions Office.

New Student Registration

Prior to the beginning of fall and spring semesters, the College provides new student registration sessions. As students are accepted for admission, they are invited to attend the next new student registration sessions. Parents and/or family members are also encouraged to attend the sessions with the students.

Registration activities include evaluation of students’ reading, writing and math skills (placement test or ACT); distribution of student handbooks, discussion of orientation materials; appointments with academic advisors; and registration for classes and signing up for Learning Communities. A variety of other pertinent subjects are also covered.

Students with special needs who attend a registration session are encouraged to contact the TRIO Coordinator/Academic Advising Specialist at the College to discuss special needs and resources. Students with mobility problems or vision or hearing needs may ask for registration assistance by contacting the Registrar’s Office prior to registration day.

Academic Advising

Upon admission, each full-time/part-time student is assigned an academic advisor who assists in choosing courses to assure graduation, transfer to another college or university, or completion of a career program. Students who are undecided about their major course of study should work closely with the academic advisor to whom they are assigned.

Academic advisors will work closely with students to assist them in accomplishing their educational and career goals and finding appropriate resources to assist with personal, social, and vocational decisions. Advisors will advise students to the best of their abilities; however it is the responsibility of students to make sure that courses and resources selected will meet the requirements for the degree, diploma, or certificate sought.

Students should maintain regular contact with their academic advisor throughout the year and are encouraged to contact their advisor whenever needed.


Registration consists of program planning, scheduling classes, and paying tuition and fees to the College.

Registration dates are publicized prior to the beginning of each term. Individuals who wish to register after classes have begun must contact the instructor directly.

To register for classes, students must fulfill all requirements of the application process, submit placement test or ACT scores, and consult with an assigned college advisor.

Contact the Registrar’s Office or check the College website for more information about online registration.

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information given in this catalog and whereas advisors advise students to the best of their abilities, it is, nevertheless, the responsibility of students to make sure that courses selected will meet the requirements for the degree, diploma, or certificate sought. Students who plan to transfer to another college or university to complete a degree program should contact the transfer college for verification of transferability of their coursework.

Changes in Registration

Students should plan their academic programs carefully so that registration changes are kept to a minimum. When necessary, however, changes may be made according to the following procedures:


If a student makes a course change within the first week of a semester, there is no charge for making the change (adding or dropping a class, changing from credit to audit or audit to credit). Students adding a course after the first week of classes require approval by the instructor. Students are not permitted to add courses after the second week of classes without specific permission. Drops made by the student after the first week of the semester will be listed on the student’s transcript with the grade “W” (withdrew). For students not attending, the student’s failure to “change registration” officially in the Registrar’s Office may result in a grade of “F” recorded on the student’s transcript for that class or classes. Information on refunds of tuition after dropping classes and the actual refund schedule can be found in the Tuition Refund Policy section. If you believe you have an exception to this policy refer to the Student Petition for Waiver to the Drop Policy.

Withdrawal from individual courses during fall or spring semesters must occur by the end of the 13th week for 16-week courses and by the end of the fifth week for half-term courses. A withdrawal from all courses can occur up until the Friday prior to finals week. Interim or summer session withdrawals will be similarly apportioned. A student who stops going to class without officially withdrawing will earn an “F.”

Information on refunds of tuition when dropping classes and the actual refund schedule can be found in the Tuition Refund Policy section.

Late or Early Start Classes

Some Fall and Spring classes do not conform to the College calendar, such as individual study classes, arranged classes, or other courses that begin earlier or later than the normal beginning date of a term and end earlier or later than the normal ending date of the term. Students may drop such a course one week (five school days) prior to the last scheduled day of the meeting of that course; this requires completion of the appropriate change form. Instructors of “late start” or “early start” classes will inform the student and Registrar’s Office of the drop date. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain these dates from the instructor.

Changes from Audit to Credit

Students may audit a class on a space-available basis by paying the audit fee (tuition for auditing is the same as credit). Students who audit a course and wish to change their registration to credit status may do so by completing the appropriate change form prior to the last drop date and completing all tests, examinations, or other assignments in the course. Students may not change their registration from credit to audit.

Withdrawal From All Classes

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from all of their courses should confer immediately with their advisor or Academic Advising Specialist and complete a Withdrawal form, available from the Registrar’s Office. Failure to do so may result in the issuance of failing grades in all classes in which the student is registered. A complete withdrawal from all courses can occur up until the Friday prior to finals week. Interim or Summer session withdrawals will be similarly apportioned. If students withdraw in the first 12% of the term and are not receiving federal financial aid, they are entitled to a refund of tuition based on the Tuition Refund Policy section. Students receiving federal financial aid should refer to the Financial Aid Refund Policy section.

Instructors determine specific class attendance policies. Instructors may consider class participation, examinations, and/or group work when determining grades. It is the responsibility of the student to understand each instructor’s policy.

Student Petition for Waiver to the Drop Policy Due to Extenuating Circumstances

Students who miss the deadline for dropping a course or for receiving a refund of tuition and fees may file an appeal requesting that the deadline in question be waived. To appeal, students complete a Student Petition for Waiver form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office no later than 20 days from the last day of the course(s) in question. Petitioning students must provide a statement regarding the extenuating circumstances that precluded compliance with the deadlines; documentation must be submitted in support of the petition statement. The student’s written statement and supporting documentation, along with any information available within the College (student records, instructor statements, Financial Aid records, etc.) will be reviewed by the Student Petition for Waiver Committee. The student will be notified by mail or email of the decision, and the complete petition packet will be placed in the student’s permanent file.

The student has the right to appeal the Committee’s decision within a reasonable time frame, typically 30 business days, by resubmitting a Student Petition and providing further documentation or explanation as necessary. The following constitute reasons for an appeal:

  • The student’s due process rights were substantially violated in the process or procedural errors were made.
  • There was not substantial evidence to support the decision reached and/or there is new material evidence that was not available in the original petition.
  • Bias of committee or member produced an unfair review or denied due process.

An appeal may be denied for insufficient grounds. The student has the right to appeal the Committee’s decision within a reasonable time frame, typically 30 business days, by resubmitting a Student Petition and providing further documentation or explanation as necessary.

The appeal will be reviewed by the Dean of Academic Affairs or an appointed designee who will render a decision. The student will be notified by mail or email of the final decision, and the complete petition packet will be placed in the student’s permanent file.

Auditing Classes

Auditing means students attend a class but do not receive College credit on their transcripts. Students may audit a class upon payment of tuition. A student file will be maintained for those auditing classes and records will show courses audited.

Non-high school students who audit a class will receive a notation on their transcripts. Responsibility for the completion of assignments and tests in an audited class is at the discretion of the instructor and the student.

Students who audit a course may change their registration to credit status by completing the appropriate Change form prior to the last drop date, paying the change fee at the Registrar’s Office, and completing all tests and other assignments in the course. Students may not change their registration from credit to audit.

Class Load

A full-time student is one whose load is 12 or more credit hours during a full 16 week semester. Maximum load for any student without specific approval of the Registrar’s Office is 18 credit hours in one semester or 6 credit hours in one interim session, except in specific career programs. Any student wishing to register for more than the maximum load must first obtain approval from the Registrar’s Office. Approval will be based on the student’s GPA from previous coursework.

The College offers night, internet, late start, and half-term courses. Each of these options requires the same amount of class time and rigor as full semester courses.

Courses with Prerequisites

Some courses have prerequisites, which students are required to complete first. Students must be able to prove successful completion of the prerequisite(s) coursework before enrolling in courses with prerequisites.

Classification of Students

Students are classified as follows:

  • freshman (accumulated 27 credit hours or less)
  • sophomore (accumulated 28 credit hours or more)
  • non-matriculated (student would like to take a few classes at the college but is not interested in enrolling in a degree program)
  • full-time (enrolled for 12 credit hours or more per semester)
  • three-fourths-time (enrolled for 9 credit hours, 10 credit hours, or 11 credit hours per semester)
  • half-time (enrolled for 6 credit hours, 7 credit hours, or 8 credit hours per semester)
  • less than half-time (enrolled for 5 credit hours or less per semester)


Students enrolling at the College are classified as residents or non-residents for purposes of admission and assessment of tuition and fees. Residency is determined by the student’s true and fixed home and place of habitation. The primary determination of residency is the reason for the student’s presence in Iowa. If a person comes to Iowa primarily for educational purposes, that student will be considered a non-resident throughout the student’s enrollment at the College.

Students who have been classified as non-residents and believe they should be eligible for resident tuition may apply for reclassification. Students must complete a Request for Residency form and provide written verification to the Registrar’s Office that they have been residents within the state of Iowa for at least 90 days prior to the term for which the student is enrolling. Verification must come in the form of at least two or more of the following written documents: an Iowa voter registration card, an Iowa driver’s license, an Iowa state income tax return (signed and dated), and Iowa vehicle registration form, or other indicators of Iowa residency (apartment lease, utility bills, etc.). The burden of establishing proof of residency is with the student, and a student’s residency status cannot be reclassified once a semester begins.

A residency decision by the Registrar’s Office may be appealed. The Provost acts as the appeals agent for residency questions. The decision of the Provost is final.

Cooperative Education

The College is committed to the concept of cooperative education. Through this program, students may obtain transferable college credits while also gaining experience and insight into career fields by working in cooperating businesses or professional or social agencies.

Some fields offering cooperative education opportunities include accounting, agribusiness, art, business, criminal justice, culinary (as apprenticeship), economics, education, government, office careers, psychology, and retail management.

The student and faculty advisor locate potential employers and the student requests interviews. When the student is accepted by one of these employers, the work experience for credit begins.

To be eligible for cooperative education, students must have completed 12 credit hours and have maintained at least a 2.00 grade point average. Eight credit hours of cooperative education may be applied toward the associate degree; additional credit hours are listed on the student’s transcript as elective credits.

Apprenticeship credits are an essential part of the education in the culinary program. Practicums begin in this program from the start and continue through the program, with all credit applied to the Associate of Applied Science degree in culinary arts.

The charge for cooperative education classes is the same as for credit classes.

Advanced Placement (AP) Program

This program allows high school students scoring three or higher on a particular subject exam to have the equivalent courses accepted for credit at the College. In some cases, an academic department may determine that a higher score is required before credit is granted. A list of test/course equivalents is available in the Registrar’s Office. Students should contact a high school counselor concerning arrangements for taking the AP exam.

Credit by Examination (CLEP Testing)

Examinations used by the College are those of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). CLEP offers a wide range of examinations through which students may receive college credit. CLEP does not grant college credit itself, but more than 1,700 educational institutions in all 50 states offer college credit on the basis of CLEP scores.

Applications for the CLEP examinations, as well as further information on the specific tests available, may be obtained by contacting the Admissions Office. The fee must be paid before the examination is taken. Students must achieve a score at the 50th percentile or higher on an exam to be eligible for credit. An exception to this rule is the foreign language CLEP test. A maximum of 30 credits from CLEP may be applied toward graduation.

Department Examinations

The College recognizes that, because of previous education or work experience in a particular field, students may possess skills and knowledge comparable to the levels demanded in particular courses. These students are allowed to challenge such courses through equivalency examinations administered by the College. The College has adopted a policy of allowing students either to request a release from certain course requirements or to award college credit in those courses for which they successfully exhibit competence by means of these equivalency examinations.

Conditions for departmental examinations are:

  • Students may challenge a course for which an equivalency examination has been adopted and is on file with the Dean of Academic Affairs. The cost for this institutionally-administered proficiency evaluation is $15.
  • Only students who have been admitted to the College may apply for such tests and credits.
  • Students must register and pay tuition for the course before taking the exam.
  • Students may apply for college credit by successfully passing the equivalency examination. The letter “T” will be entered on the student’s permanent record, OR
  • Students may choose not to obtain credit hours but simply test out of specific courses for which the equivalency examination exists. These students would then be released from the pertinent requirement.
  • The maximum credits allowable will not exceed 30 credit hours and will conform to specific degree requirements of the Institution.
  • Students may not test more than once for each course.

Credit by examination will NOT be granted:

  • if it duplicates a course previously passed or failed,
  • if the student does not meet the stated course prerequisite(s) listed in the catalog, or
  • if the course is a prerequisite to one for which credit has previously been earned.

Fresh Start Policy

Persons who previously attended the College, have a break in attendance of at least 2 consecutive years (4 semesters), and have less than a 1.80 cumulative grade point average may be eligible for a Fresh Start. This policy eliminates the student’s previous grade point average while retaining the credits.

Students must complete the Fresh Start Application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office to be considered for a Fresh Start.

  • Students must earn at least 12 credits after returning before the Fresh Start policy is implemented. Developmental credits do not apply toward this total.
  • The Fresh Start policy does not apply to credits attempted or earned at other institutions.
  • Original grades affected by Fresh Start will remain on students’ transcripts, but will not be included in the grade point average calculation.
  • To satisfy graduation requirements, a student must earn 15 credits after being granted a Fresh Start.

Physical Education Exemption

Exemption from physical education requirements can be made to students who present a medical excuse from a licensed physician. The physical education requirement also may be waived for persons with military experience.

Although it is not required for those exempted from physical education requirements, PEH 110  Personal Wellness can be taken to provide information on physical fitness, nutrition, and fitness management.

Transfer Applicants

Transcripts of record are given full value if coming from colleges or universities accredited by the Higher Learning Commission or similar regional associations and from accredited community colleges.

Each applicant must submit an official transcript bearing the original seal and signature of the official in charge of records from each college or university the student attended previously.

Transfer applicants who do not meet the College’s academic requirements may be admitted, but will be placed on academic warning.

Transfer applicants under disciplinary suspension at a previously attended college will not be considered for admission until a clearance and a statement of the reason for the suspension are received from that college. When the applicant has the suspension cleared and a statement of the reason for the suspension on file, the Student Services Committee will consider the student’s application for admission.

Transfer of Credit

Acceptance of Career Credits

The College will accept credit earned in its career programs and apply such credit to the Associate of Arts degree on the following basis:

  • Credit earned in a career program may be used to fulfill elective credit up to 16 semester hours.
  • Career credit may not be used to fulfill core requirements for the AA degree without a waiver from the division involved and the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Acceptance of Military Credit

  • Students can receive transfer credit for military experience with an official ACE (American Council on Education) recommendation transcript.
  • If a valid DD214 is also provided, the student may receive 2 physical education credits and 2 general elective credits.
  • A maximum of 30 military-related credits (this includes 16 vocational credits) will be applied toward graduation.

Acceptance of Transfer Credit

  • Credit from other accredited colleges will be evaluated in terms of the College’s degree requirements.
  • Transfer credits are accepted only for classes in which the student earned a grade of C- or better.
  • Accepted credit GPA does not transfer.
  • A minimum of 16 of the final 32 credit hours must be completed in residence (completed at ECC or MCC/IVG).
  • Students earning transfer credit from international colleges and universities may be required to have the credits evaluated by an accredited third-party agency.

Transfer of Credit from the College

Credit earned at the College is transferable at full value to other colleges and universities throughout the country. Students are advised, however, that cumulative grade point averages below 2.00 and individual course grades of “D” may not transfer to many institutions. Credit in certain vocational, technical, and remedial/developmental courses may not transfer to other colleges, except under particular instances. Students should consult their academic advisors for specific information on transfer of credit.

The College offers the first two years of most baccalaureate degree programs. Generally, students can spend two years at the College, earn an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree, and then transfer to a four-year institution without loss of credit. It is important for students to closely study the graduation requirements listed in the catalog of the transfer college.

The College can assist students in obtaining transfer credit to be used toward degrees in many fields. The complete listing of transfer degrees can be found in Program of Study by Career Interest .

Academic Standards & Records

Leave of Absence Policy

The Leave of Absence (LOA) is a federally mandated policy for all students who receive Title IV federal financial assistance (Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans, Federal Parent Loans and Student Educational Opportunity Grants) who have experienced a situation that will require them to temporarily stop attending classes. LOA refers to the specific time period during a program when a student is not in attendance. Some possible types of LOA eligible for approval include:

  • Pregnancy with childbirth imminent.
  • Doctor-documented illness or health restrictions for a period of time.
  • Documented family emergency.
  • Documented religious obligation.
  • Other documented emergencies that may interfere with attendance.

The student’s request for an LOA must be in writing, signed and dated using the LOA Request form, and should be applied for in advance of the leave if at all possible. The LOA is a temporary situation and must not exceed a total of 30 days in any 12-month period. The 12-month period begins with the first day of the initial request on the official LOA form. The LOA may be voluntary (more prevalent) or involuntary if the campus has banned a student from campus or has determined that a student poses a significant risk to the College. A committee will review the request and notify the student and stakeholders upon approval.

Students are considered to be continuously enrolled while on an LOA. Therefore, they are not assessed additional charges while they are on the LOA or once they return from the LOA. While students are not charged any additional charges in either case, they may not also receive any additional Title IV monies for the period once they have returned. Courses not approved for a LOA will result in the student being withdrawn from the course. If a student is granted a LOA but does not return to class or complete required coursework (and does not receive an extended leave), at the end of the leave the student’s withdrawal will be the first date of the leave.

In addition, IVCCD appreciates the important contributions of our students who have served or are currently serving in our military. Documented military leave and/or medical treatment provided to the VA School Certified Official will be considered an LOA request. In case of call-ups for service in times of military action, students who are called up may work out with faculty a grade based on the work they have completed or choose to be issued an incomplete grade based on the best scenario for the student’s ability to complete the course.

If the student chooses to withdraw due to lengthy military training obligations or extended medical treatment during the semester, the student should be directed to the VA School Certified Official’s office to proceed with the Military Activation withdrawal or other necessary procedures.

Grading System & Policies

Instructors keep a record of the work of each student and report each student’s grade to the Registrar’s Office at the close of each mid-semester and semester. Only semester grades become part of the permanent College record.

A 4.00 Grade Points
A- 3.67 Grade Points
B+ 3.33 Grade Points
B 3.00 Grade Points
B- 2.67 Grade Points
C+ 2.33 Grade Points
C 2.00 Grade Points
C- 1.67 Grade Points
D+ 1.33 Grade Points
D 1.00 Grade Points
D- 0.67 Grade Points
F 0.00 Grade Point
I 0.00 Grade Point - Incomplete - Some portion of work remains unfinished. A student with an incomplete at the end of the semester has up to one semester to remove the incomplete. After that time the “I” will be changed to “F” except under extenuating circumstances and with approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs.*

*Granting of incompletes is limited to cases where circumstances merit an extension of time during which a student can complete required coursework and receive a grade. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to complete requirements using the incomplete grade contract agreement. Incompletes must be completed by the date on the contract agreement.

The following grades ARE NOT INCLUDED in the calculations of grade point averages.

W Student withdrew from the course
N Audited Course (no credit)
P Passing
Q No Credit
T Credit by Examination
L Credit for Prior Educational or Occupational Experience
S Satisfactory
WIP In Progress


Credit Type
AP Advanced Placement
AR Articulated
PF Pass/Fail
TR Transfer

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available to all students at midterm and at the end of each term, provided all financial obligations have been met. Grades can be obtained by checking PawPass.

Students must appeal grades within 90 days of receiving them.

Repeating a Course

Courses may be repeated to improve a grade. When a course has been repeated, the higher grade will be computed in the grade point average. The lower grade will remain on the transcript with an asterisk and will not be calculated into the GPA.

Academic Grade Appeal Process (final course grades only)

Iowa Valley Community College District expects students to be responsible for knowing the grading standards established by the instructor for each course in which they are enrolled. All grades submitted by faculty are considered final, and part of a student’s permanent academic record. A student may appeal a final course grade that they feel is inaccurate or unwarranted using the grade appeal process. Criteria for appealing a final grade include, but is not limited to:

  • Inaccurate grade calculation
  • Grading process different from that identified in course syllabus
  • Inconsistent grading standard applied within course
  • Violation of written agreement with student
  • Violation of institutional policy, rules and regulations

The final grade appeal process should begin as soon as possible after final grades are posted and no later than midterm of the following fall or spring semester. The student is expected to make every effort to address the grade concern with the instructor, and the burden of proof relies on the student to demonstrate that the grade they received is not the grade they earned. If a resolution between the instructor and student is not achieved, a review by the Dean of Academic Affairs may be requested. Following the Dean’s review, the student may initiate a Final Grade Hearing with the Academic Appeals Committee.

For more information about appealing final grades or to submit the Grade Appeal Form, please contact the Academic Affairs Office.

Standards of Academic Progress

The primary purpose of the Standards of Academic Progress is to establish a practice by which the faculty and administration can provide assistance to students who experience academic difficulty. The majority of students make satisfactory progress. However, it is the desire of the College to make early identification of students who experience academic difficulty so they may be counseled accordingly.

Students who fail to obtain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 at the end of any semester will be placed on Academic Warning for the next term of enrollment. These students will have their registration placed on hold until they meet with an academic advisor and establish an Academic Improvement Plan. A student on Academic Warning will return to a status of “academic good standing” when the student’s cumulative GPA is raised to 2.00 or higher.

A student who earns a cumulative GPA below 2.00 after any term on Academic Warning will be placed on Academic Termination. Students who earn a term GPA of 0.50 or below after any term will be placed on Academic Termination unless the cumulative GPA remains 2.0 or higher. Any student who is terminated for academic reasons has the right to appeal. Appeal forms are available from the Financial Aid and Registrar’s Offices. Forms will be accepted no later than the date indicated on the Appeal form. The Appeals Committee will review all appeals and respond in writing as soon as a decision is made. A student whose appeal is accepted will be reinstated and placed on Academic Warning.

Graduation Requirements

ECC and MCC award the degrees of Associate of Arts, Associate of Professional Studies, Associate of Applied Science, Associate of General Studies, and Associate of Science. Additionally, Diplomas and Certificates are awarded to students who successfully complete specific vocational-technical programs. Full requirements of the chosen program must be met; adjustments will be made in instances where programs have changed and courses are no longer available.

Application for Graduation

Students who intend to graduate by the end of the spring and/or summer term must complete an “Application for Graduation” form through the Registrar’s Office by March 1 to be included in the commencement program.

Students should meet with their academic/faculty advisors by mid-term of the semester preceding the semester in which they plan to graduate. Although academic/faculty advisors will help students plan to meet these requirements, the ultimate responsibility rests with the student.


Commencement exercises provide formal recognition to students who have applied for a degree or diploma from ECC/MCC. One ceremony is held each year; students completing requirements prior to that commencement, or at the end of the summer term following commencement, may participate in the May ceremony. Students may receive degrees, diplomas or certificates at the end of the fall, spring, or summer terms, upon completion of degree, diploma, or certificate requirements. Degrees, diplomas, or certificates will not be issued for students who have unpaid financial obligations to the College.

Student Honors

Dean’s List

Full-time students with semester grade point averages of 3.50 or higher while earning a minimum of 12 credit hours are recognized for their achievements through the Dean’s List for that semester. Developmental credit type is not applied in the calculation of the student’s grade point average. Unless students request that the Registrar’s Office not release their names, the list will be provided for publication by area news media and on the College website(s).

Graduation Honors

The requirement for graduation with honors will be a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher at the time of graduation.

MCC Honors Program

Marshalltown Community College offers an Honors Program which, at a more advanced level than commonly demanded, challenges students to think, analyze, investigate, and discover. Upon meeting application requirements, participants must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.33 and complete at least 12 semester credits in Honors coursework. This includes a combination of the following: Honors Seminars, Honors coursework within regular college classes, and/or specialized Honors Projects. Successful completion of the Honors Program will be noted in the Commencement Program and on the student’s official transcript.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that recognizes academic achievement at the community or junior college level. Candidates must be enrolled in degree (non-certificate) programs and must satisfy chapter requirements for membership.

Other Student Honors

Awards are presented to outstanding students at annual Honors events. Awards are also presented to outstanding students in various academic areas.

Student Records

Official academic records of enrollment for credit earned by students are retained in perpetuity. All student records used to create, update, and support the official academic transcript shall be retained for five years after students’ enrollment at the College; these documents may then be destroyed. After 90 days the student can no longer appeal a recorded grade.

All student financial aid records will be retained for three years following the end of the fiscal year for which funds were awarded. All veterans’ records will be retained for three years following the ending date of their last enrollment.

Confidentiality of Records

Copies of Board Policy 501 and the related guidelines regarding the Family Educational Right & Privacy Act may be obtained via the College websites. The following summarizes the provisions of the Act and subsequent amendments:

Students have the right to inspect and review their education records. The College will grant students the right to inspect their education records within 45 days of the request. Students do not have the right to inspect confidential letters and statements of recommendation put in their file prior to January 1, 1975, to parents’ financial records, or to confidential letters or recommendations (for which they have signed a waiver) with respect to admission, application for employment, or receipt of an honor.

Students have the right to seek amendment of the content of their education records regarding the accuracy of such records and whether the records are misleading or constitute a violation of their privacy rights. This procedure may involve a hearing on the correction or deletion of allegedly inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate data and the opportunity for students to insert in their records a written explanation of the contents of the records.

Except as provided for within the Act, personal identifiable information about students in education records cannot be released without written consent. The College may release “directory information” without written consent unless the student specifically requests that such information not be released. Directory information includes the student’s name, degree, diploma, any earned certificates and awards, dates of attendance, entrance year and semester, full-time or part-time enrollment status, not enrolled, freshman or sophomore status, program, and hometown (this does not include state, zip code or country). Students may indicate a preference that any or all of this information not be released by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office within the first 30 calendar days of the beginning of each term or within the first five calendar days for each summer term. If a student elects to have directory information remain confidential, no information will be released without consent.

The College will maintain a record of access to students’ education records. This record is accessible only to the student and the staff in the Student Services Office, or as provided for in the Act. The record of access will not apply to access of education records by IVCCD officials (may include a person employed by IVCCD in an administrative, supervisory, academic, or support staff position; or a member of the Board of Directors; or a contractor, consultant, or volunteer to whom IVCCD has outsourced institutional services or functions, in accordance with the conditions of FERPA) with a legitimate educational interest (if review of the record is needed for the official to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for IVCCD) and as otherwise provided in the Act.

Students may request and receive unofficial copies of all or part of their education records. Students can access unofficial transcript copies through PawPass. Students have the right to request and receive a response that will explain or interpret their education records.

The College forwards records on request to a school at which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is enrolled, for enrollment/transfer purposes. Complaints concerning alleged violations of the Act may be made with the College and/or the federal Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Dept. of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-8520.


IVCCD offers easy and convenient online transcript ordering through the National Student Clearinghouse. 

To request your transcript, access the National Student Clearinghouse secure site and follow the step-by-step instructions. Transcripts cost $7 per copy and payment is made with a debit or credit card. All requests will be processed in the order they are received and the normal processing time is two business days. During busy periods such as graduation, the beginning of the semester, and grade processing there may be a longer processing time.

Financial Information

Tuition & Fees

After registration, students will receive a tuition invoice by mail. Follow instructions and due dates indicated on the invoice. Delayed payment may result in cancellation of the student’s registration. Other fees may be approved after the publication of this schedule.

For ECC and MCC’s current tuition and fees please see the College’s websites:

ECC Website

MCC Website

Tuition/Fee Policies & Changes

The tuition and fee policies are based on the philosophy that the cost of higher education should be shared by the student, the taxpayers of Iowa Valley Community College District, and the state of Iowa. The IVCCD Board of Directors reserves the right to change the tuition and fee schedule, as well as refund policies, in accordance with state law.

Tuition Refund Policy

Students who find it necessary to add or drop one or more of their classes must complete a Drop/Add form in the Registrar’s Office. There will be a partial refund of tuition based on the following schedule:

Percent of Enrollment Period Refund %
0 - 6% 100%
Over 6 - 12% 50%
Over 12% 0

If dropping classes in the fall and spring terms, students have the first week of classes to get 100% refund, 50% refund starting the second week, and 0% after the end of the second week. The refund periods could be longer depending on the length of the course and are prorated on the above schedule.

Fees are not refundable after the first week of class for a regular semester. Tuition refunds for summer or interim will be prorated accordingly.

The percentage of enrollment period counts calendar days elapsed from start date of a specific class to the date the student completes and returns the Drop/Add form and compares it to the total calendar days for that specific class. That percentage is the “percentage of enrollment period” a student was registered and enrolled in a specific class.

Refunds are based on the date the Drop/Add form is completed, signed, and returned to the Registrar’s Office, not the last date of attendance. If you believe you are entitled to an exception to this policy refer to the Student Petition for Waiver to the Drop Policy.

Once classes begin, if a class is added at the same time another is dropped, full tuition and fees will be assessed for the added class, with the appropriate refund of tuition credited for the dropped class.

Billing/Payment Plan

By enrolling and signing the Registration form and/or the student payment agreement, a student promises to pay the College all charges incurred.

If, at the end of the first day of a specific term, a student’s bill has any unpaid charges (beyond finalized financial aid), the College will assume the student has accepted the terms of the payment plan and the student will be charged a $25 fee. 

Students will be billed in three equal monthly installments. These billings will be mailed to the student, and payments are due by the date specified on the billing. Students are responsible for notifying the College of any address changes.

If a student does not make a scheduled payment when due, the College may, at its option, declare any unpaid balance to be in default and may demand immediate payment of the entire unpaid balance, including charges, payment plan fees, late fees, past due fees, and collection costs.

Students considered in default cannot register for the following term. Until a Student’s account is paid in full they cannot receive an official transcript and/or receive a diploma if the student is a graduate. Defaulted accounts are handled by an outside collection agency and the student’s credit record may be negatively affected.

Returned Payments

A returned payment is any credit card payment, electronic payment, or check made to IVCCD that is returned to the College by a depository bank; this includes insufficient fund checks and stopped payment checks. Upon receiving notification of a returned payment, the Business Office will charge the student for the amount of the returned payment plus a $25 service fee.

Financial Aid

Students who wish to be considered for all types of state and federal financial aid to assist with College expenses will need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). All students are encouraged to apply. This application can be completed online. Filing the FAFSA and promptly submitting all other required documents to the Financial Aid Office ensures that the student will be considered for all forms of financial assistance. The College recommends that students complete the FAFSA as early as possible after September to be considered for the maximum amounts of financial aid for the following academic year.

Many types of assistance are available:

Federal Pell Grant

  • Federally funded gift aid
  • Student must demonstrate need
  • Student must be an undergraduate

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

  • Federally funded gift aid
  • Student must demonstrate exceptional need
  • Student must be an undergraduate
  • Awards limited to funds available

College Work-Study

  • Part-time work opportunities
  • Federally funded - administered by College
  • Student must demonstrate need
  • Awards limited to funds available

Iowa Grants

  • State-funded for Iowa residents
  • Awards limited to funds available
  • Student must meet the July 1 FAFSA deadline

Federal Direct Student Loan

  • Low interest loan
  • Student must demonstrate need (interest subsidized)
  • Financial need is not required for unsubsidized loan
  • Maximum subsidized loan is $3,500 per year at freshman level and $4,500 per year at sophomore level (earned 28+ credits).

There are two types of Direct Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Neither loan requires that payments be made to the principal as long as the student is enrolled in six credit hours at an eligible institution. The federal government pays the interest that accrues on the Subsidized Stafford Loan as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time, while the student is responsible for the interest that accrues on the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan while he or she is in school. Repayment on the principal begins for both loans six months after the student drops below six credit hours of enrollment.

Federal Direct Parent Plus Loan

  • Loans available to parents of dependent students
  • Financial need is not required
  • Repayment of principal begins immediately in most cases

Federal Financial Aid Refund Policy

Students who find it necessary to completely withdraw from the College and who are receiving federal financial aid should be aware of how they will be affected. A complete withdrawal is defined as dropping all classes and having no credits earned for the semester. A student receiving federal financial aid who officially withdraws from all classes up to the 60% point in the term may be entitled to a refund. A student’s withdrawal date will be determined from the earlier of 1) submitting a completed Withdrawal form to the Registrar’s Office and/or 2) mailing or faxing a signed request to withdraw from all classes to the Registrar’s Office. The student will earn aid based on the number of calendar days attended, calculated from the beginning of the semester until the official withdrawal occurs (any breaks of 5 days or more will be taken out of the calculation).

Once the percentage of aid earned is calculated, any “unearned” financial aid will be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. If a student’s charges exceed the earned portion of financial aid, a refund of the unearned percentage will be applied to institutional charges (except books) to match the “unearned” financial aid. Books must be returned to the College for charges to be lowered in the same manner as the other institutional charges. If books are not returned to the College at the time of withdrawal, students will be assessed the “unearned” portion and required to pay the remainder.

Students who have received a portion of their financial aid for living expenses, travel, etc. may be required to repay unearned funds to the federal government. Any student who owes a grant overpayment must make satisfactory payment arrangements with the Business Office to avoid being turned over to the U.S. Department of Education.

Specific examples of withdrawal calculations are available in the Financial Aid Office. Contact the Financial Aid Office if the student has questions about these regulations.

Refunds for partial reduction in hours will be calculated using the institutional refund policy contained earlier in this section.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial Aid Recipients

Federal and state regulations require that students maintain satisfactory academic progress while pursuing their course of study in order to receive financial aid. Students receiving financial aid will have their academic records reviewed each semester including the Summer term to determine if satisfactory academic progress is being made and that the pace toward the completion of a degree, certificate, or diploma is maintained. Satisfactory academic progress standards apply to all work attempted even though a student may not have been receiving financial aid.

Minimum Financial Aid Academic Progress Standards

A minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average for ALL coursework at the College is required. In addition, a student must complete 67% of ALL credits ever attempted at the College. “Complete” means earning a letter grade higher than a F. In addition to the cumulative standards addressed (grade point average and % of credits completed), a student will be placed on immediate financial aid termination if he/she earns a semester grade point average of .50 or below unless the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.

Financial Aid Warning

A student who has received financial aid is placed on financial aid warning when he/she fails to maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average or fails to complete 67% of all hours attempted. A student on financial aid warning continues to receive financial aid.

Financial Aid Termination

If a student does not meet the minimum levels by the end of the warning semester, the student is considered to be making unsatisfactory progress and is placed on Financial Aid Termination. Financial Aid Termination means a student is no longer eligible for financial aid. A student may regain eligibility for financial assistance after he/she has brought the coursework up to minimum standards (2.0 cumulative GPA and a completion rate of at least 67% of all hours attempted) at his/her own expense.

Appeal Process

A student may appeal the termination of his/her financial aid to the Financial Aid Office if he/she feels that there are extenuating circumstances (serious illness, injury, death of a relative, etc.). Appeal forms are available on the ECC and MCC websites. Forms will be accepted no later than the Friday before the first day of classes of the semester that the student wishes to be considered. The Appeals Committee will review all appeals and respond in writing as soon as a decision is made. A student whose appeal is accepted whose and whose financial aid eligibility is reinstated will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and must complete an academic success plan. If the student does not meet SAP standards, however meets the expectations of the academic success plan, they will be placed on Success Plan status. While on Success Plan status, the student must follow the plan requirements for each semester the plan is written for to remain eligible or until they reach the minimum SAP Standards. If the student fails to meet the SAP Standards and also fails to follow their academic success plan they will be placed on termination.

Pace/Maximum Timeframe for Degree Completion

A student will be eligible to receive financial aid while pursuing his/her program of study for 150% of the published length of the program. For example, an Associate of Arts (AA) degree requires successful completion of 64 credit hours. The maximum hours a student could receive financial aid toward the completion of an AA degree would be 96 credit hours (64 x 150% = 96). All coursework (including ESL and transfer credits that are accepted from another institution toward the student’s educational program will be counted as both attempted and completed hours) on a student’s academic transcript will count toward the maximum timeframe. A student who exceeds 150% of the published length of a program will no longer be eligible for financial aid.

Repeated classes are allowed for courses where an F or W was received. Students who wish to repeat a previously passed class should meet with the Financial Aid Office to ensure eligibility. Repeated classes are counted as attempted credit each time it is attempted and earned credit once. Classes that a student chooses to audit will not count toward the hourly requirements. Students taking developmental coursework must be registered for at least one non-developmental course to be receiving financial aid for that term.

Incomplete grades are considered credit attempted but not earned until which time credit is earned for the incomplete class (grade change). Students are required to notify the Financial Aid Office upon a grade change in order to perform a recalculation of SAP.


It is the responsibility of each student to track his/her own progress and academic standing. However, the Financial Aid Office will make every effort to notify students of warning/termination status in a timely manner at the end of each semester.

Attendance for Financial Aid Recipients

Students must attend all classes for which they have registered before excess financial aid will be refunded.

Veterans Benefits

Section 103B of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (PL 115-407)

For purposes of this policy, a covered individual is any individual who is entitled to VA educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33.

Marshalltown Community College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to be provided by the Secretary under Chapter 31 or 33.

Marshalltown Community College may require a covered individual to take the following additional actions:

  • Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance not later than the first day of a course of education for which the individual has indicated the individual wishes to use the individual’s entitlement to educational assistance.
  • Submit a written request to use such entitlement.
  • Provide additional information necessary to the proper certification of enrollment by the educational institution.